Jan. 4 and 6, LPDF Advisory Committee holds first two meetings. Jan. 5-7, LNA confronts GNA-backed force in Sebha, LNA declares regaining control after three days. Jan. 5, PFG’s Tobruk... اقرأ المزيد
Turkey’s military air bridge continues amidst increasing tensions between GNA, LNA. Turkey-backed Syrian mercenaries in Libya voice discontent over unpaid salaries, illegal salary dedu... اقرأ المزيد
Dec-22, Mladenov turns down UN Libya envoy appointment, acting envoy Williams to retain post until new envoy selected. Dec-22, Turkey parliament passes motion for 18-month Libya troops deplo... اقرأ المزيد
Russia, Turkey keep supporting own Libyan ally as more with fighters, equipment pour in through unceasing airbridge. Dec-17, NOC-controlled Brega Petroleum Marketing Company HQ attacked by G... اقرأ المزيد
Dec. 8, LNA stops Turkish cargo heading to Misrata for allegedly violating no-entry maritime zone, detains crew, prompting Turkey’s vehement protests. Dec. 8, reunified House of Repres... اقرأ المزيد
AL AJAYLAT Dec. 2, a 16-year-old was killed and two schoolmates badly wounded while leaving school as they were attacked by armed men involved in clashes in the city. UNSMIL offered its cond... اقرأ المزيد
Nov. 23 – Unidentified armed men unsuccessfully try to storm the NOC’s HQ in Tripoli before being dispersed by PFG sentries and reinforcements. Nov. 28 – Three LNA battalio... اقرأ المزيد
MAIN EVENTS OF THE WEEK On November 22, members of the Libyan House of Representatives (from Tripoli and Tobruk) held a special session in Rabat, Morocco at the invitation of the Moroccan Pa... اقرأ المزيد
MAIN EVENTS OF THE WEEK On November 10, gunmen killed lawyer and activist Hanan al-Barasi in downtown Benghazi, prompting universal criticism and condemnation. On November 10, Libyan Media O... اقرأ المزيد
On November 6, armed men arbitrarily arrested Libyan citizens from Benghazi at Tripoli’s Mitiga Airport. The GNA condemned the incident. Various sources accused the so-called Al-Nawasi... اقرأ المزيد